
Full Moon challenge

Having had a super busy week of supporting my beloved friend's art life, the full moon just kicked in and my ass while not expecting the full force of nature coming down in form of tension.
What on earth?
Everything conspires to uplift and carry my soul home.
Lightness of being.

So how could it be that the lake of pain is deeper and it's pull stonger than the ocean of compassion with the reflection of the full moon shining so brightly on it.
So, things aren't in line to be sustainable and supportive of a life of depth and regeneration.
Chaos is pretty much daily fare and I trust my higher power to be in charge, since nothing I do or am in charge of can possibly carry Grace as service can.

Must I truly make changes so radical, so disturbing, so painful to be, once again, the One and only, instead of the part of a couple that sustains and nourishes?

Promises were made and keeping them is the work.

Can we just have fun again?
Can we look into each others eyes and see sparkling joy?


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