

Last hours in Mill Valley at Kelli's with Max & Kai, who is 18...no shit...old amazing kitty.
So sweet, both of them.

blogging at Kelli's Mill Valley Blithedale canyon
My contemplation has been around partnership, what it means and what I need from my partner.
Much has come up and a lot of energy will have to be spent to change the ways I relate and who is my dharmic partner. Not as much as having to cut off my right arm to be able to survive...but when I saw the movie 127 hours, it gave me that insight, that some things are that painful, daring and necessary, to get out of a tight spot.

For now, I am on my way to visit people I truly love, and can rely on as friends and family.
My focus is on sharing the adventure and joy of having friends and family, bring gifts, take care of some finances and reconnect with the part of European culture I love.

"Lack and delay now crumble away and I step into my promised life under grace." inspired by "Flossie" Florence Scovel Shinn...I wonder if she liked her last names....kinda remind me of my own awkward married last names Hirschal - Dill.

Thanking divine design today, to have given me an intellect that seeks the knowledge of the truth, and a heart that can bear the presence of the great Self.



My 53rd year around in this constellation, this body, this stellar group of family and friends.
It's full moon and it's especially difficult to stay clean and sober.
I so long to share and celebrate my being alive and share the exhilaration of the presence of Love.

My usual companion is choosing other activities, people and experiences.

So, here is the test...can I love and celebrate myself in the middle of raging full moon energies...mad drivers, almost hit a biker crossing me on the freeway - had to slam my brakes like never before....high tide, Rastafarian excesses planned by the water's edge on my own? It's a friend's birthday rager, turned 40.
Jetsun, name and also title.
Great soul.

I shall dare to stay clean and sober and go celebrate our life.
Being grateful for another day, feeling all my feelings, having compassion and understanding beyond my wildest dreams.



This morning in meditation I had a visceral experience of my environment shaping out of my mind-heart connection manifesting as a safe serene sanctuary to live and create in.


So, when I arrived at Kelli & Jimmy's home to hang with Kai & Max, feeding them and doing all the blog work I've been waiting to do, it fit.
Blogging, making earrings for travel gifts, phoning friends in Europe and deeply chilling while doing body care is in order and a true gift from Creator.

NOVEMBER 7, 2010

  Here are some photos of my 53rd birthday, of which the lunar moment is in two days, full moon in Taurus on Friday.


Guess what?....