
Springtime, time to wish and vision

This is the best year of my life. I am turning 50, my daughter is getting married to the right person...Her father is turning 60...we are all healthy, happy and hello, a great family, a masterpiece of nature.

My thoughts on money sound scrambled below.
Here is a re-articulation: Just as electricity animates and enables machines and gadgets to what they are created for, money animates and enables our lives to what we are created for. It is sacred, natural and plentiful.
When we live the purpose we are here for, when we follow our natural blueprint, all the money we need to live and thrive appears, just like electricity flows when conneections are made in the wiring. It's a bit like the effort and Grace metaphor. Two wings of a bird...with the right effort there is electricity. with the right effort, there is Grace. Where there is Grace there is money as needed.


Guess what?....