

Dreamed of my dad again..."that he wasn't really dead,but rather wanted to live on his own, without responsibilities, memories of our past and therefore faked his death. .." It's a recurring dream and equally saddening each time.
I thought really hard, in my dream, about all the "evidence of his death...the ashes, the old house in Vienna if it was available, the place in Budapest and most difficult: his phone number"...
I was looking for my iPhone in my dream to see if I had his number on it. Oy Vay.

happy Jules moments
Woke up with old old salty tears running down my cheeks, big tear buggers bubbling out of my nose and my sweetheart holding me and softly telling me that I was OK...it's a just a swelling, an emotional episode, ease fully let it go, it's feelings, ok to cry and be free of it...I am OK now.

My life is in order, I'm in a healthy relationship, am creating work and income as an Intuitive Creative. Contributing to people's lives with my talents and skills.
Lack and delay now crumble away and I step into my prosperous healthy love life under grace.
My family is healthy, loving and we have an earth angel on the way! Yay!

Great blessings to count for sure.



...in my body and mind...
Last night, exhausted after a full day of new life, instead of laying down to watch a movie on our tiny hand held dvd player, I decided to join Tom for a 20 minute meditation session. He was already sitting and the meditation energy spread it's stillness through the living room, where our central puja illuminates.
I have a new sitting set up, got an old yellow buckwheat filled pillow out of storage, which Dawn used as a teenager during yoga winter retreats in California. A splendid find as it turns out.

So, I sat down, slipped into the Om vibration of the mantra and slowly, like popcorn in a hot kettle, one area of my body after another popped open. Where there was tension, which goes unnoticed all day and perhaps even life, ease took place and pretty soon I felt light and exuberant. Ahhhh, the benefits of meditation.
always in meditation
My face cleared up radiating joy...wow, this clearly was the wing of grace joining the wing of self effort to let this baby bird fly.

What amazes me most, is the seeming casualness, with which such tremendous changes happen in meditation. Really, it has nothing to do with religion or any cultures we impose on the simple truth of life having a higher power actively at work...and as I make an effort to align my body mind and heart, it rushes to meet me half way.

I feel so supported and loved actually.

The night continued with closeness and very deep sleep in which I dreamed long scenes and story, history as it is, with my father. I woke up deeply affected and hope that in writing this down, the next steps of unraveling, will be equally as clear and liberating as was the meditation experience.

With a grateful heart, I thank my daughter and my partner, for being loving reminders of the presence
of true meditation masters in our lives.



Just wanting to sketch my thoughts on what this upcoming weekend is for me now.Tom and I got an invitation from his brother to go to the Academy awards that he is hosting and has a nomination for. Peaking career experience.
We are road tripping it, staying at SY friend's house with 2 dogs and really look forward to playing, having each other's company and experiencing the exciting tinsel town toys like kittens on a long stick.
Like, we WILL touch this with a ten foot pole...hay yeaahh...come and play.
in a meeting at the North

Here is the challenge: remember we live in the bay area...this is our life now...we are artists , sensitive and creative...observant...meditators...we love our life...it's a good life!

The Self doesn't care if you choose a good life or a glamorous life, Julia. It's all the same. You choose.
Having chosen my partner, it's choosing the good life marbled with glamorous life...how creative the Shakti is and how kind and generous our Guru.
Her handwriting is all over this event.
All gifts and good fortune, well being and community, fellowship and committed relationship, rolled into one.
gallery art opening february 2011
PS: ...and....ssshhh, a grand child on the way!
Yay! A baby for the family. Welcome!


Guess what?....