
GOOD LUCK alive and well

Some of my friends have never found one.... some people don't know they exist.... most people never even think about them.

Dawn and I have been on a roll. A meadow outside her house, a place we visit sometime twice a day to walk Kiki, holds a 5+ acre clover field. We are talking billions of 3 leafed clover. White and red flowered.
Since childhood, whenever I see clover, I look for the four leafs. It's said to bring good luck to the finder. It's said to give it away to th first person you see.

It's amazing, when you look out on field with so many designed by nature plants of the same kind. To think that some, every once in a while will grow a little differently. Have an added surface to receive the sunlight. An extra capacity to give oxygen. Just a little.

And as we walk, with our eyes resting on that divine green color, there it is, a four lefed clover, among all the regulars. Something happens, it's a mystical movement of the heart and mind.
A cousin of gratitude.
The sister of awe.
Surely things will work out just fine in the Design Divine.

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