HAD to write that down...a few weeks ago, I noticed a curled up leaf on my priced peppermint plant that grew almost overnight into a healthy monster spreading it's uplifting essential oils all over the new yard.
So, I look at this leaf, notice it;s a chrysalis of sorts...here is where it gets tricky...I choose a sentimental route, knowing deep inside it's not a butterfly and Bingo...I have the worst pest on that plant with moth like creatures all day that produce nasty little worms that eat...get this...peppermint only, it seems.
The tomatoes and oregano in the same planter are ok...it's a mint specific plague. That's actually the good news.
I'll look it up and see if there is a natural way to eradicate...might just cut it down to the roots which are super strong and let those critters die out.
Uhm...other than that things are going great at the new ranch.
Loving my life as a budding grandma and sober girlfriend to my partner.
Hmmm...I'll ask Sharon Lovejoy if she knows what to do about the pests.