
Excerpts from Hugh MacLeod's blog

Check him out at:

I just ordered his book: "Ignore everybody"

"The thing about wor king as an artist is that you never rea lize how much of the work is on top of making the actual art.
I was remem be ring how when I star ted out, I would visit the stu dios of more esta blished artists and couldn’t begin to grasp how they ran the show. It’s taken years to slowly put each piece in place. Every day there’s new pro blems to solve, but if you can solve them in a way that sticks— so that from now on that issue is cove red, even tually you come up with an effi cient sys tem for sup por ting the most impor tant work you do, which is the art.

“Artists can not mar ket” is com plete crap. Warhol was GREAT at mar ke ting. As was Picasso and count less other “Blue Chips”. Of course, they’d often take the “anti-marketing” stance as a form of mar ke ting them sel ves. And their patrons lap­ped it up.

The way artists market them selves is by having a great story, by having a “Myth”. Telling anecdo tal sto ries about Warhol, Pollack, Bas quiat, Van Gogh is both (A) fun and (B) has a mythi cal dimen sion… if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have had movies made about them. The art feeds the myth. The myth feeds the art."

Yah, TRIFECTA lifestyle, is it myth (yet)? The Pegasus we are riding in on sure is...I mean the Unicorn Pegasus of course.

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