Got great crispy apples at the farmers market plus yummy tangy plums.
Fruit crisp...yeah, lets do some autumn food
Got great crispy apples at the farmers market plus yummy tangy plums.
Victory of Light over Darkness aka Evolution
Mind maps, how the brain works, soft ware
Excerpts from Hugh MacLeod's blog
“Artists can not mar ket” is com plete crap. Warhol was GREAT at mar ke ting. As was Picasso and count less other “Blue Chips”. Of course, they’d often take the “anti-marketing” stance as a form of mar ke ting them sel ves. And their patrons lapped it up.
The way artists market them selves is by having a great story, by having a “Myth”. Telling anecdo tal sto ries about Warhol, Pollack, Bas quiat, Van Gogh is both (A) fun and (B) has a mythi cal dimen sion… if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have had movies made about them. The art feeds the myth. The myth feeds the art."
Yah, TRIFECTA lifestyle, is it myth (yet)? The Pegasus we are riding in on sure is...I mean the Unicorn Pegasus of course.
GOOD LUCK alive and well
Some of my friends have never found one.... some people don't know they exist.... most people never even think about them.
Intergenerational Culture is the Secret of the TLC
The Trifecta Learning Center
exists to:
Reverse ignorance about art, by building intergenerational community, where art becomes the product of collaboration, focus and learning about the creative process across all the disciplines and mediums.
- Reverse ignorance about food, by offering natural organic products from local artisans. Health and noursihment are experiential.
- Reverse ignorance amongst ages and races, by welcoming all people who want to experience the effects of a Trifecta lifestyle.
The intergenerational gap that is filled by the TLC
creates world peace on a local level.
Who's reading this blog?
Since this is a personal log, a place where I can write and post photos, to remember what is going on in any given circumstance.